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Submit Flood Claim

How to Submit a Flood Claim.  (source:

If you have experienced a flood, you can file your flood insurance claim by following these three steps: Download a PDF guide HERE 

Immediately after experiencing a flood contact your agent or insurance company to file a claim.

You can contact:  Anderson Insurance or use our Flood Claim Form to submit the claim.

You can also contact your flood company directly by phone with the following numbers (depending on which company issued your flood policy.)

  • For a MAPFRE Flood Policy contact: 800-759-8656     
  • For a CAT Coverage Flood Policy contact: Anderson Insurance
  • For Private Market Flood contact: 877-356-6348

An adjuster should contact you within 24-48 hours (it may be longer with more serious weather events), if you do not hear from an adjuster during that time period, you can contact your insurance agent or company again. Make sure you have the following information handy:

  • The name of your insurance company
  • Your policy number
  • A telephone and/or email address where you can be reached at all times

Separate damaged from undamaged property. Your adjuster will need evidence of the damage to your home and possessions to prepare your repair estimate.

  • Take photographs of all of the damaged property, including discarded objects, structural damage, and standing floodwater levels.
  • Make a list of damaged or lost items and include their date of purchase, value, and receipts, if possible.
  • Officials may require disposal of damaged items so, if possible, place flooded items outside of the home.

An adjuster will be assigned to you by the company. Your adjuster will provide you a Proof of Loss form for your official claim for damages. You'll need to file this claim with your insurance company within 60 days of the flood. This document substantiates the insurance claim and is required before the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or insurance company can make payment.

Follow-up questions regarding the details of the claim should be directed to your assigned adjuster until his report is submitted to the issuing company he is your primary contact. Any and all coverage problems and claim allowance restrictions must be communicated directly to the company. Claims adjusters are not authorized to approve or deny claims; their job is to report to the company on the elements of flood cause and damage.

For a Middlesex Mutual Flood Policy contact: 1-800-759-8656     
For a CAT Coverage Flood Policy contact: Anderson Insurance

If the adjuster or company is unavailable or unresponsive please contact: Anderson Insurance.

You'll receive your claim payment after you and the insurer agree on the amount of damages and the insurer has your complete, accurate, and signed Proof of Loss form. If major catastrophic flooding occurs, it may take longer to process claims and make payments because of the sheer number of claims submitted.

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